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Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular

Asociación Española de Artroscopia (AEA)

Header Vol. 28. Issue 1. No. 71. January 2021
ISSN online: 2443-9754 (es)
ISSN impreso: 2386-3129 (es)
Vol. 28. Issue 1. No. 71. January 2021
Recibido: 13 January 2021
Aceptado: 14 January 2021
Cover image

Full thickness chondral ulcers of the patella and femoral condyle of the knee

Úlceras condrales de espesor completo en rótula y cóndilo femoral de rodilla

Rev Esp Artrosc Cir Articul. 2021;28(1):68

Full thickness chondral ulcers of the patella and femoral condyle of the knee. The lesions are seen following a medial para-patellar approach on the right knee. The lesions have been debrided and prepared for autologous chondrocyte grafting.


Full thickness chondral ulcers of the patella and femoral condyle of the knee. The lesions are seen following a medial para-patellar approach on the right knee. The lesions have been debrided and prepared for autologous chondrocyte grafting.

Cita bibliográfica

Guillén Vicente IFull thickness chondral ulcers of the patella and femoral condyle of the knee. Rev Esp Artrosc Cir Articul. 2021;28(1):68. doi: 10.24129/j.reacae.28171.fs2012053

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